Thursday, October 28, 2010
weeek of exam and week of terrible
- monday=bm and sejarah,bm,i love you but i hate you toooo,it easy and hard paper.Sejarah,i don't know what to say right now about sejarah..it's totally hard.. i think i will get b's in sejarah,hopefully
- tuesday=bi,pjpk and geo..bi,i love you because it is easy,pjpk,sederhana lahh sebab dapat tajuk yg masuk periksa...hahahaaaa...geo,i love you the most because you are the easiest paper geo since exam in mac i think...i will get A's in this subject if don't get it.-,-
- wednesday=it's agama and sains..haha agama well it's okay but sains easy but hard because ...........baca buku pon sekejap jeee hahahahahahaha
- thursay=math paper only,wow it's very easy paper espicially paper 2,wow i very suprise on paper 1because i don't know three question only... i give you a smile if i get a's haha..malam balik skola tuh,,,izzat bluarkkkkkkkkkkkk,tahu2 jelah apa maksud dye...so,pegi klinik bagi mc. -,-
- friday=suppose today take kh,sivik and seni paper..tapi saya xdatang..sebab bluarkkkk masa bngn pagi....kalo,x ari nie dah boleh merdeka dh ponnnnn tapi sayang sekali xleh pon...i was so angry agrhhhhh
- tommorow=ada skola ganti,,mungkin esok izzat dtg and mungkin ambik periksa..ari nie punyeee........
haha gud luck to my friend who is taking exam right now....and merdeka!lahh korang
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
hello orr hi...exam nk dekat tapi xstudy lagi nieee..izzat cuma prepare 40% jeee..60%ntah kemanlah....
ohh cite atas nie xde kena mengena dgn tajuk niee.....
nk tnye screwed tu apa???and screwed prefect tu apa lak????ayat nieee dpt dari lissa punye blog..
org tnye dye,dye ckp dh tahu tapi ssh nk explain...ya ke ssh nk explain nie..ataupon maksud dye terokk atau sebaliknyee..kte tnye dye esokkk...haha
ohhh tadi baru dngr lagu can't stand it drpd never shout never...bestlah pulakkk lagu dyeeeee....
mcmnie lagu dye,'baby,i love you......tu jelah yg tahu..haha
dhlah,tu je untk ari nieee....
bye and assalamualaikum
and have a good day..........(^_^)
ohh cite atas nie xde kena mengena dgn tajuk niee.....
nk tnye screwed tu apa???and screwed prefect tu apa lak????ayat nieee dpt dari lissa punye blog..
org tnye dye,dye ckp dh tahu tapi ssh nk explain...ya ke ssh nk explain nie..ataupon maksud dye terokk atau sebaliknyee..kte tnye dye esokkk...haha
ohhh tadi baru dngr lagu can't stand it drpd never shout never...bestlah pulakkk lagu dyeeeee....
mcmnie lagu dye,'baby,i love you......tu jelah yg tahu..haha
dhlah,tu je untk ari nieee....
bye and assalamualaikum
and have a good day..........(^_^)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
apa!!!hopkinz nk bergabung dgn kumpulan lain!!!tidak mungkin!!!
izzat xtahu nk ckp apalah.....
izzat xsetuju larrrr
btw,ari ni,belajar satu mata pelajaran jeee..tu pon buat experiment.
wow!!!best betol..haha
itu yg best punye part
yg xbest punye...sakit perut izzat masih belum okkk..DAMN!!!
knp sakit perot.Mungkin disebabkan air oren kat kantinnn koottttt!!!!!
dahlah,malas nk cite bnyk lagi.. sebab izzat xsuke membebel..xsukalah
bye and assalamualaikum and have a good day
izzat xtahu nk ckp apalah.....
izzat xsetuju larrrr
btw,ari ni,belajar satu mata pelajaran jeee..tu pon buat experiment.
wow!!!best betol..haha
itu yg best punye part
yg xbest punye...sakit perut izzat masih belum okkk..DAMN!!!
knp sakit perot.Mungkin disebabkan air oren kat kantinnn koottttt!!!!!
dahlah,malas nk cite bnyk lagi.. sebab izzat xsuke membebel..xsukalah
bye and assalamualaikum and have a good day
Saturday, October 9, 2010
what a day...today is 10.10.10
is a beatiful date...and today,our first national astronaut,sheikh muszhapar shukor wedding will be held..
so, i think i will watch or nottt this wedding..
today,i don't know what to do..because i have nothing to do right now except on9 facebook and edit blog..
byeee and have a good day and be happy
is a beatiful date...and today,our first national astronaut,sheikh muszhapar shukor wedding will be held..
so, i think i will watch or nottt this wedding..
today,i don't know what to do..because i have nothing to do right now except on9 facebook and edit blog..
byeee and have a good day and be happy
Monday, October 4, 2010
esok pmr!!!
Yeah!!!tommorow is penilaian menengah rendah atau PMR!!!haha
i just want to say to all candidates pmr gud luck for your exam.. and hopefully get straight 8a's.Aminnn
oooo yeah,besok kelas 2hidrogen and 2helium skola,
haha mungkin best kottt sebab dpt tngk form 3 ambik periksa..haha
And selepas abis Pmr,bgitau org yee Pmr tuh senang ke??kalo senang,alhamdullilah.haha
Kalo susah,apa nak kata,dah lumrah hidup....
Gud luck to all form 3 and espicially to student smk subest and my cousin,abg adib
think positive be happy (^_^)
*perasan x yang saya ada speaking ada x..haha
anyway,bye assalamualaikum and have a nice day
i just want to say to all candidates pmr gud luck for your exam.. and hopefully get straight 8a's.Aminnn
oooo yeah,besok kelas 2hidrogen and 2helium skola,
haha mungkin best kottt sebab dpt tngk form 3 ambik periksa..haha
And selepas abis Pmr,bgitau org yee Pmr tuh senang ke??kalo senang,alhamdullilah.haha
Kalo susah,apa nak kata,dah lumrah hidup....
Gud luck to all form 3 and espicially to student smk subest and my cousin,abg adib
think positive be happy (^_^)
*perasan x yang saya ada speaking ada x..haha
anyway,bye assalamualaikum and have a nice day
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